Systemic selective herbicide (growth inhibitor) for the control of broadleaved weeds in maize, millet, rice, sugarcane, sorghum. It can also be used to kill trees.
- Dosage: 50ml-80ml (weed control in crops), 100ml-150ml (weed control in non-cropped areas) per 15L knapsack
- PHI: 10-12 days
Avoiding overdosing 2,4-D during weed control in crops, to ensure crops are not damaged from its growth inhibiting function.
Cereals (Wheat, Oats, Rice, Barley): Treatment with 2,4-D Amine salt should occur at some time between tillering and the end of shooting. 2,4-D should not be used at any later stage, as it will interfere with fruiting. Oats are more sensitive to 2,4-D than the other cereal types.
Rice: Rice can be treated with 2,4-D Amine when the plants are fully established, 2-3 weeks after emergence, depending on the variety and the climatic conditions. Transplanted rice can be treated when the plants are fully established.
The field/flooded water should be drained 24 hours before application. The field may be re-flooded three days after application to enhance the dying process.
Millet (sorghum): Millet can be treated with 2,4-D Amine when it has grown to a height of between 10 and 25cm.
Maize: In maize field, application of 2,4-D can be carried out at two times: before emergence or when the maize is between 10 and 25cm tall. Due to the “shock” effect from 2,4-D, spraying of maize above 25cm height will cause lodging of the maize plant and affect plant development. Spraying 2,4-D in maize at tasseling and fruiting stage will inhibit growth and interfere with fruiting.
- Ensure to use a well functioning sprayer
- Use clean water, free of debris (sieve appropriately)
- Fix and use a 2.4m diameter nozzle (Flood).
- Double-rinse the knapsack sprayer and lance by pumping out clean water.
- Half fill the tank with water and measure the appropriate dosage into the knapsack.
- For tank-mixed application with other active ingredient(s), add the appropriate dosage of the other product. Add sticker if rainfall is expected in less than 6 hours.
- Fill the sprayer tank with water to 15 liters and mix the solution by pumping and spraying into the tank, while stirring.
- Ensure there is no leakage before mounting the knapsack sprayer.
- Pump out the spray solution while maintaining normal pressure for a fine spray mist.
- Direct spray mist to the target grass at 1.2m – 1.8m spray diameter, depending on wind direction, release pressure, and the applicator’s speed.
- Maintain normal walking speed while observing spray mist-weed contact to ensure the required /adequate solution volume is delivered to the target weed.
- Avoid “swinging” of spray nozzle on target grass, to ensure uniform dispensation of spray solution to target grass for uniform result observation.
- During spraying in fields containing sprouted cut trees, ensure enough coverage of the tree leaves with the chemical.
- To kill the stamps of trees, cut the tree and smear the undiluted chemical on the cut surface to be absorbed.