
  • AI: Glyphosate 480g/L

Crownsate is a systemic non-selective herbicide for the control of annual & perennial broadleaves & grasses (including Cynodon, Imperata, Chromoleana, Lantana and other species) in non-cropped areas and plantations. It has no soil residual actions/functions. Depending on the need and the field vegetation, Crownsate can be tank-mixed with 2-4D or other compatible pre-emergent herbicides for broader weed control. For weed control in cassava fields, Crownsate should be applied not less than three (3) months prior to harvesting.

  • Dosage: 150ml-200ml per 15L knapsack.
  • For contact with eyes, immediately hold eyelids open and flush with plenty of water for at least 5 minutes. Get medical attention.
  • If inhaled, remove individual to fresh air. If he/she is not breathing, give artificial respiration, preferably mouth-to-mouth. Get medical attention.
  • If swallowed, this product will cause gastrointestinal tract irritation. Immediately dilute by swallowing water or milk. Get medial attention. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.
  • Ensure to use a well-functioning sprayer
  • Use clean water, free of debris (sieve appropriately)
  • Fix and use a 2.4-meter-diameter nozzle (Flood) for non-cropped fields and crops with inter-row spacing above 50cm. For other applications, choose the appropriate nozzle.
  • Double-rinse the knapsack sprayer and lance by pumping out clean water.
  • Half fill the tank with water and measure the appropriate dosage into the knapsack. Add sticker if rainfall is expected in less than 6 hours.
  • Fill the sprayer tank with water to 15 liters and mix the solution by pumping and spraying into the tank while stirring.
  • Ensure there is no leakage before mounting the knapsack sprayer.
  • Pump out the spray solution while maintaining normal pressure for a fine spray mist.
  • Direct spray mist to the target grass at 1.2–1.8 m spray diameter, depending on wind direction, release pressure, and the applicator’s speed.

    Maintain normal walking speed whilst observing spray mist-weed contact to ensure required/adequate solution volume is delivered onto the target weed.

    Avoid “swinging” the spray nozzle on target grass to ensure uniform dispensation of spray solution to target grass for uniform result observation.

    When spraying an economic crop, ensure not to spray the plant leaves or any part that can absorb the chemical into the economic plant.

For product trials, always rinse the sprayer tank before the next dosage.

For tank-mixed applications with other compatible active ingredients, the appropriate dosage, mixing instructions, and spray-target contact guidance for the other product should be considered during mixing and application.