- AI: Paraquat Dichloride 276g/L
- Target weeds: Contact Non-selective/Broad Spectrum
- Description: Contact non-selective herbicide for weed control in non-cropped areas, plantations, maize (fruiting stage), cassava (above 60cm). Photosystem I (electron transport) inhibitor.
- Dosage: 70ml-120ml per 15L knapsack
- PHI: 10-15 days
- Key Features:
- Effective against a wide range of weeds
- Rapid action which controls most weeds within 3-4 days
- No damage to mature bark
- Rainfall 15 minutes after application will not affect its activity
Deactivated by the soil so new crops can be planted 4 hours after treatment
- Ensure to use a well functioning sprayer
- Use clean water, free of debris (sieve appropriately)
- Fix and use 2.4m diameter nozzle (Flood) for non-cropped fields and crops with inter-row spacing above 50cm. For other applications, choose the appropriate nozzle.
- Double-rinse the knapsack sprayer and lance by pumping out clean water.
- Half fill the tank with water and measure the appropriate dosage into the knapsack.
- Fill the sprayer tank with water to 15L and mix the solution by pumping and spraying into the tank, while stirring.
- Ensure there is no leakage before mounting the knapsack sprayer.
- Pump out spray solution whilst maintaining normal pressure for a fine spray mist.
- For non-cropped areas, direct spray mist to the target grass at 1.2m – 1.8m spray diameter, depending on wind direction, release pressure, field of spray and applicator’s speed.
- For weed control in cassava and maize, lower the nozzle to the width of the inter rows and avoid spraying on plant leaves, whilst ensuring chemical-weed contact.
- Maintain normal walking speed whilst observing spray mist-weed contact to ensure required/adequate solution volume is delivered onto the target weed.
- Avoid “swinging” of spray nozzle on target grass, to ensure uniform dispensation of spray solution to target grass for uniform result observation.
- When spraying in an economic crop, ensure not to spray the plant leaves or any part that can absorb the chemical into the economic plant.
- For application in maize, cassava or other economic crops, ensure the plant grows to a height where the chemical cannot touch/drift onto the leaves to cause economic damage.
- For product trials, always rinse the sprayer tank before the next dosage.